Technical Customer Support

Our technical customer support agents become experts on your products, providing dedicated, 24/7 support for a seamless customer experience.

A woman typing on an ipad.

Experience Outsourced Technical Customer Support That Feels Like An In-House Team

Our tech-savvy agents provide Tier 1, 2, and 3 support to keep your customers engaged and satisfied with your software, hardware, or tech products, resolving their issues quickly and in compliance with your standards. 

No solution is too complex for us — your dedicated team will know your products inside and out. Plus, we integrate our technical and SaaS customer support solutions into your existing tech stack, so you don’t need to change up your current workflows.

Man and Woman Working

Rapid, Scalable Solutions

With our advanced agent knowledge, no technology is above our expertise. Your dedicated support team stays up-to-date as your products and business change, ensuring your customers get the latest insights and accurate information.

Two women sitting on laptops at a community table
a red handrawn clock

Tiered, Cultivated Support

We hire, train, and constantly upskill our agents to ensure your team members are experts in your world, so they can provide hands-on technical support that fosters product loyalty and a positive brand reputation.

An office worker sits at his computer desk.
Hand-drawn chat bubbles.

Technical support benefits

Don’t let headcount become a headache. Our talent pool is rich with technical talent—reach out today and get connected with talent that meets your needs.

Illustration of red clipboard, white paper, and red pencil

Customer Data Security

Our stringent quality and data security measures — in alignment with SOC 2 Type II, PCI, HIPAA compliance, GDPR, and ISO 9001 — keep your customers’ data secure.

Quality Management

We continuously monitor, assess, and enhance our processes to meet your standards of excellence and ensure customer satisfaction.

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Achieve Sustainable Growth Overnight

Increase your team's productivity and turn frustrated customers into faithful followers. Our Ninjas will cut down support issues so that your business can flourish.

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Conserve Time and Resources

Our dedicated technical support staff can alleviate the need for expensive training, equipment and staffing as our Ninjas become experts in your universe.

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Enrich Your Customer Experiences

Provide more intelligent and meaningful interactions by connecting experiential data across the customer journey.

Your (powerful) little secret.

With Ninjas at your back, you can set your sights higher.

Your dedicated Ninjas will become experts in your world so they can safeguard what you’ve built. And when things change, we’ll be there to pivot right along with you.

Headshot of a man with his hand on his temple.
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Headshot of a woman smiling and looking to the right.
Spot illustration of a laptop.
Headshot of a man smiling and looking to the right.
Spot illustration of a bar chart.
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Why Our Clients Stick with Us

"Our partnership with SupportNinja has helped meet client demands we couldn’t handle internally. They have also given us great referrals with a much shorter sales cycle than we typically see."

Michael Hanson

VP Growth, CloudTask

Still Have Questions?

We are here to answer your questions and get to work helping you help your customers.

What kind of technical expertise does SupportNinja leverage for its clients?

We provide technical customer support outsourcing related to any software, hardware, or tech product. You just tell us your needs — we’ll build and train a team dedicated to your account. No technology is beyond the skills of our teams.

What happens if there is a significant change or update to my product and the team needs to be retrained?

Our Ninjas will adapt to any product changes as needed. You simply need to let us know what’s going to change in advance so that your outsourced team can be upskilled and ready to support your customers through the update.

How will the outsourced support team fit in with my company’s in-house support team?

Think of us as an extension of your in-house team. We operate within your systems, SOPs, business goals, and product trajectory.

What services are included in the tech support package?

That wholly depends on the needs of your business. For example, we can set up an outsourced team for:

  • Tier 1, 2, & 3 Technical Customer Support
  • Advanced Product Troubleshooting
  • Remote Product Assistance
See All FAQs
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